Fishing Calendar

Mid-Spring signals the start of the annual Alaska Steelhead Run. Our guided and non-guided fishing trips help make us one of the finest Alaska Fishing Resorts for targeting the ultimate freshwater game fish. In May large schools of Alaska King Salmon migrate from the gulf into waters surrounding protected islands off the west coast of Prince of Wales Island. Multiple hookups are expected and hard running kings will put a serious bend in your fishing rod.

Between June and July, enormous schools of King Salmon enter the Fray. During July our Anglers delight in multiple hookups of kings, silvers, and Halibut-often at the same time! Later in July even more silvers are caught and schools of kings start to head south to spawn. August fishing in Southeast Alaska is a wild time; double and triple-hookups always keep you on your toes with an abundance of Silver Salmon. Halibut, Ling cod, and Rockfish are plentiful during any point of the summer.